Last week, Design*Sponge posted a City Guide to Salem, Massachusetts put together by little ol' me. Having the chance to pay homage to a place so close to my heart was super rewarding and tons of fun. In case you missed it here's the link again: Salem City Guide. (In general these City Guides are amazingly useful- I highly recommend them.)
Since I took about 1,000,000 pictures and they only needed 4 I figured I would post the rest of the pictures here so they could be seen by someone other than me and my cats. Maybe they will inspire some trips to Witch City?
My path to Salem started way back when I was 13 and a little movie named "The Craft" came out that made every teenage girl (especially me) want to be a witch. Fast-forward twenty-odd years to 2010 when I got accepted to graduate school in Boston to study witches! The rent prices in Boston proper scared the beejesus out of me so I started looking outside the city. Salem was just a half hour away from Boston by train, but hundreds of dollars cheaper in rent. When I found out that it's known to locals as "Witch City" I figured it was basically written in the stars that I move there. I never expected to fall in love, but this city is chock full of charm, history, and all things WITCH that 2 years later Dave had to bribe me with a kitten to get me to leave. (The kitten's name is Salem, btw.) Anywhoo- I hope you enjoy my little visual tour here. Links to all the places are in the original guide on Design*Sponge.
Maria's Sweet Somethings
Artist's Row

Salem Arts Association

The Barking Cat

Salem Common

Deb's Diner

Gulu Gulu Cafe



Ropes Mansion Garden

Salem Willows Park

Salem Witch Museum

A & J King Bakery

Derby Square Books

Central Street

Salem Screamery