Happy New Year!!!
Here are a few things I'm excited about:
- This post
- 2013
- The fact that this is my first post in 2013, while also being my 13th post.
- My lucky number is 13.
So there's that. But back to the issue at hand: Jackie and Liz's Dining Room/Office Space combo platter. I'm not gonna lie to you, this project didn't always know where it was going, and it didn't ask directions. So imagine my relief when it all came together at the last minute, and not in a mediocre Chinese takeout kinda way- but a New Year's Day
Dance Moms marathon kinda way. Translation: It didn't just "work", I'm obsessed with it.

Okay, so major props to JAZ on taking my advice and painting the whole room white. That dark evergreen color (which the previous renters chose) was a crime against nature. They don't necessarily have to leave it all white, but at the very least they have a primer that looks lovely, and that hunter green can go back to whatever deep, dank, satanic hell-hole it crawled out of. Aaaaaaannnnnywho, look! more!

The first thing we decided on for this room was the color scheme. Jackie wanted bright colors so I suggested using their mid-century fiesta-ware set as inspiration.

Next, I knew I had to get them a different desk set up and an effective way of storing their absolutely intriguing amount of business cards and hi-liters. Last, I had to figure out wall decor in a major way.
Top: This little bookshelf thingy came FOR FREE with the desk I purchased on Craigslist for $30! The desk is from IKEA originally (duh) but I got it for $60 cheaper on CL and all I had to do was drive down to the middle of downtown Boston, Tetris it into my car for 45 minutes IN THE POURING RAIN, and finally elect to take it apart in the middle of a highrise lobby with
Maria the Emerson undergrad I was buying it from. But you know what? IT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT. Anyways, I was worried about the room being too white, so I added some color by spray mounting this cute Penguin Books wrapping paper onto foam board and tacking it to the back of the free bookshelf-thingy. (I also painted that dinosaur)
Bottom: Jackie is a part-time photographer. She even has a darkroom set-up in her bedroom that I'm totally jealous of. Since this is a big room, with big walls to cover, I figured I could either spend the entire budget on art- or I could put Jackie's to work. So I knocked out a whole wall in need of decor by hanging a simple piece of twine with some (totally amazing) painted clothespins I made. Instant art, and instant showcase.

For the budget I was working with the $100 per-room limit. BUT Jackie and Liz sold their old desk chair for $20 so basic addition tells us that the final budget was $120. Here's how I used it:
Whoa, this is freaky. Not only did I come in UNDER BUDGET- but the total came to one hundred and
THIRTEEN dollars.
WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN?! Anyways. I really like this room so here are some more pictures:

Stay tuned for a special DIY post about them fancy fancy clothespins... The moon is in Scorpio and the witches say "Dismiss Doubt"
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