2024 Virgo Season Horoscopes

2024 Virgo Season Horoscopes

by Cole Exley


Virgo Season holds plenty of opportunities for release this year. This typically stable period of time is disrupted by two retrogrades and a lunar eclipse, setting us up for a few surprises. While we typically think of Virgo as grounded and practical, it’s important to keep in mind that this is also a Mutable sign. Aries risings should lean on their natural stamina and optimism to roll with the punches, and let old structures fall when they must. Uranus enters retrograde in your Second House, bringing swift change and revelations concerning your resources and environment. Pluto’s retrograde will occur in your House of Career and Reputation, obliterating any structures in the way of your destiny. Keep in mind that this is likely to include some ties that we previously thought were right for us; Pluto sees farther into the future than we do. Near the end of the season, we’ll have our Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. The Moon will be in your House of Closure, offering you a huge opportunity to purge anything holding you back. Let yourself feel all the emotions that came up from the retrograde shifts, then let them go. You’re moving on to greater things, even if you don’t know what that is yet.

It’s a good month to be Venus-ruled! With all of the astrological chaos this season, it’s nice to have an empowered chart ruler. Venus enters its other related sign, Libra, on August 29th, bringing grace and magnetism to your House of Virgo. Lean on her for support throughout the month when you need a confidence boost, or a reminder of the beauty in the world and who you are. Uranus enters retrograde in your House of Identity on September 1st - prepare for surprising realizations concerning who you are and how you approach things. A second retrograde occurs on the same day in your House of Higher Learning, with Pluto in Capricorn. This may spur the dissolution of stale morals and beliefs, including those you’ve expected to carry with you for a long time. Make sure you make room for play and pleasure to soften the blow. The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces reinforces this recalibration on September 17th as it illuminates your Eleventh House. Our hopes and dreams for the future lie in this House - can you picture a brighter future now that you’ve been through this transformation? If we’re going to experience change, we might as well let our minds expand with the possibilities! 

Similar to last season, your Third and Fourth Houses are activated, highlighting your ability to express yourself emotionally. For those who didn’t catch your Leo Season horoscope, the Third House is our Gemini House and concerns communication. The Fourth House is our House of the Moon, pertaining to our emotional and home life. Mercury will spend just over half of the season at home in your Third House, bringing in super-powered mental activity and expression. This is a good energy to lean on while we experience this month’s retrogrades from Uranus and Pluto. Uranus will be retrograding in your Twelfth House, dredging up what was hidden and demanding our recognition. Twelfth House transits tend to be difficult, but ultimately very rewarding, bringing us closure so we can start something new. Pluto’s retrograde will occur in your House of Intimacy and Inheritance. You may find that this brings generational ties into focus, shifting family dynamics and revealing (or removing) cyclical trauma. You could also feel this retrograde’s effects on a more general interpersonal level, interrupting our patterns of vulnerability and clearing out intimate connections that bring you down. After Mercury has passed into your House of the Moon, a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces occurs in your Tenth House of Long-Term Goals. This is another practice in letting your emotions flow freely and through your communication, encouraging movement instead of stangnancy. With the help of the Eclipse and the Tenth House, this will establish a skill to use for the rest of your life.

Though Cancer risings are ruled by the Moon, Mars is actually going to be your biggest support over the next month or so. The planet will be entering Cancer and therefore your First House around September 4th, throwing gasoline on the fire of your inner drive. Mars is at home here, as the First House corresponds to the sign of Aries. Expect your passion and strength to reach a crescendo, helping you withstand incoming chaotic transits. Uranus and Pluto both go into retrograde on September 1st, guaranteeing some interesting changes and revelations. Your Eleventh House will hold the Uranus retrograde, magnifying its effects as its corresponding section. Areas of life such as your world view, future plans, and social connections/groups may experience some changes during this time. As you process these big picture shifts, remember to practice self care and address your everyday needs. Pluto’s retrograde will take place in your House of Relationships, asking you to release any negative patterns in communication and interrelations. If there are any relationships dragging you down, be aware that Pluto might push them out the door. Near the end of the season, we’ll experience a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, a big moment for the lunar-ruled. Since this will be occurring in your House of Higher Learning, a new path toward alignment and enlightenment may be revealed - definitely worth riding the emotional waves of the eclipse!

Leo risings, famously ruled by the Sun, will find quite the support in its position over the next month. The Sun will enter Virgo and your House of Taurus, bringing in stable energy to support you through the season’s transits. Uranus and Pluto will both be entering retrogrades this month, bringing sudden changes and shocking clarity. The former planet will be in your House of Career and Reputation. Expect a change of course in your plans for the future, or shifts in power dynamics in your current situation. Pluto’s retrograde occurs in your House of Health and Service, bringing disruption to routines you’ve set in place. You may come to realize that there are aspects of life that no longer feel nourishing or useful to you. A Leo rising’s energy is precious - guard it well! Remember to ground yourself and return to your roots when these changes feel overwhelming. We also experience a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17th. This occurs in your House of Scorpio. Can embrace emotional awareness and intimacy on a new level? If you allow yourself to open up in these ways, the perspective you gain will offer valuable wisdom. 

Your transformation continues as your chart ruler Mercury goes direct in your Twelfth House, later moving into your First House in Virgo on September 8th. Your mind clears and resolution is on the way to issues you’ve kept hidden beneath the surface. Venus brings substance and beauty to your new chapter, super-powered in its home sign and House. With its position in the House of Taurus and the sign of Libra, both sides of the planet are united, creating a romantic balance to inspire you. Uranus and Pluto both enter retrograde on September 1st, further shifting things along to something new. Pluto’s retrograde in Capricorn occurs in your Fifth House, transforming how you express yourself and how you seek pleasure. Let yourself embrace the unknown for the sake of discovering new joys you wouldn’t have thought were for you. Your House of Higher Learning will hold the Uranus retrograde, leading to spiritual revelations and changes in beliefs or morals. Remember that meaning can be found in unlikely places, even those that aren’t aligned with where you’ve been before. The season closes out with a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on the 17th, which will be in your House of Libra. Let Venus guide you in reconnecting with loved ones and nourishing your relationships. Let the Pisces Moon bring you a sense of unity and togetherness. Though these changes may have been a lot to bear, you have the support you need to get through it. 

Despite the crazy transits occurring this month, you will still find a sense of renewal as Venus enters your First House in Libra. She’s the light at the end of the tunnel to a new chapter. Before we get there, we have some final transitions brought upon by two retrogrades and Eclipse Season. Uranus in Taurus will be entering retrograde in your Eighth House, calling for you to release fear and stubbornness in the face of change. Libra risings tend to present a curated persona to which they can become quite attached. Can you accept these inner shifts and let yourself redefine who you are? Letting go of concern around how we are perceived makes room for more authenticity (which Libras love!), as well as intimacy with the ones we love. A Pluto retrograde occurs simultaneously in your Fourth House. This part of a chart is ruled by the Moon and concerns our home life, emotions, and family matters. Pluto retrogrades manifest abrupt, unpredictable changes, which aren’t always easy to handle in a House as foundational as the Fourth. However, you’ll receive some guidance from the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17th, as it activates your House of Virgo. The watery energy of the Moon is grounded in this House, leading you to integrate emotional awareness and acceptance into your normal routine. Carrying this skill into your next chapter will bring in some of that balance that Libras crave.

Though Scorpio is traditionally ruled by Mars, it also has strong ties to Pluto. Scorpio risings are definitely going to feel the Pluto retrograde this month, particularly since it will take place in your Third House. This House concerns our communication and mental activity, as well as our social interests and inclinations. Pluto’s retrograde here may bring some changes to your social life, whether that be to who you interact with or how you share your ideas. It could also call for the end of certain patterns of thinking that are wasting your energy or causing you harm. Try to remain open to these changes even if they aren’t exactly comfortable - Scorpio placements are born to transform. We’ll also see Uranus going into retrograde in Taurus in your House of Relationships. Revelations around your interpersonal style and needs within a relationship may be coming your way. You may also see some people from your past pop up unexpectedly - be careful with whom you choose to engage! Near the end of the month, we’ll also experience a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17th. As the Moon brings clarity to your House of Pleasure, let your instincts guide you to new methods of play. The things you choose may be carried well into your future or open new doors, with the help of the Sun in Virgo within your Eleventh House. No matter how old we get or how much time passes, we’ll always need methods of releasing stress and feeling good!

Though you are ruled by Jupiter, Mars will be your greatest ally this month as it comes home to your Eighth House in Cancer. The strength and willpower of Mars along with the transformative power of the House of Scorpio will help you adapt to the changes that come from this month’s transits. There will be two retrogrades beginning on September 1st, with Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn. Your House of Virgo will hold the Uranus retrograde, bringing clarity and swift changes to your routines and self care. Pluto retrograde will occur in your House of Taurus, dissolving stale beliefs and behaviors concerning your resources. These can be some difficult shifts to accept, but Sagittarius is a mutable sign, and if anyone can be flexible, it’s you! Lean into that Martian drive and charge forth. Our Earth Houses need release like the rest, even if it’s begrudging. Near the end of the month, we’ll see a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, which will be illuminating your House of Cancer. The Moon is at home here, bringing our emotions and intuition to the surface. Try to ride the wave instead of fighting it, and you’ll find yourself in a place of further alignment.

While earth risings usually find their footing during earth seasons, Virgo Season is calling for recalibration this year. Pluto in Capricorn will be going retrograde on September 1st, stirring up your First House. This is the House of the self and our identity, so prepare for a, “caterpillar to chrysalis,” moment. Get ready to meet parts of yourself you didn’t even know were there, and say goodbye to some you thought were permanent. Uranus in Taurus also goes into retrograde the same day. This occurs in your Fifth House, which concerns our creativity, pleasure, and self-expression. This retrograde might surprise you with some new skills or hobbies to try your hand at, or shift where you seek enjoyment. If what you had in place before doesn’t spark joy, make space for something else! The Virgo Sun in your House of Higher Learning will help you align your outlets with your values. Following these transits, we’ll experience a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17th. The Moon will be in your House of Communication, bridging the gap between your voice and your heart. This is a good time to make use of those forms of self-expression you identified earlier and let your feelings flow. Pay attention to how it feels to let these things out, and let yourself be proud. 

Virgo Season is normally a time to ground ourselves and make use of practical planning. This year, however, Virgo Season is calling for Aquarius risings to dive deep with their emotions. Two retrogrades will occur on September 1st, with Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn. Uranus will be bringing changes and realizations to your world of emotion as it activates your Fourth House. Try to remain open to new insights concerning how you process and express your feelings, especially those that were forged in childhood. Aquarius placements are great at utilizing new information, so while you might be uncomfortable processing it, you’ll benefit from it in the end. Pluto deepens these shifts to a subconscious level as it retrogrades in your Twelfth House, the last House on the wheel. This transit demands for the dissolution of limiting beliefs so you can move on to the next chapter. Combined with the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces in your House of Habits, you may end up feeling a bit overwhelmed or out of character. Fire rituals and affirmations may be useful techniques for centering yourself during this time. Remember that allowing yourself to ebb and flow with the currents of life doesn’t mean you’re losing your spirit!

Virgo Season is asking Pisces risings to build upon the interpersonal work you began last month. All of your Air houses will be activated by major transits this season, bringing communication and connection to the forefront. Uranus enters retrograde on September 1st, ringing in swift change and realizations concerning your mental and social activity. Expect both inspiration and mental overwhelm. Pluto goes into retrograde as well that same day in your House of Humanitarianism. Your community, feelings and hopes for the collective, and broader perspectives will shift with this retrograde, therefore shifting your future. With all of these changes occurring, it would do you well to take some time to yourself and recenter. Creating moments of peace for yourself is important during transitional periods. You’ll have an opportunity to really focus on your own needs and emotions as we experience a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on the 17th. I suggest making use of this energy to feel those feelings and then let them go, wiping the slate clean. Growing with change means acknowledging all the growing pains, especially the ones affecting us on a deeper level.

Allies for the Season: Counter Magick Ember: A Room Spray for CalmingAquamarine Tumbled Crystal, Putnam & Putnam Vibrant Intentions Candles: Tea




The days of the week carry just as much energy and symbolism as the months of the year or the phases of the moon, and that can be helpful for witches who like to time their spells with the vibe of the moment!Inside you'll find practices, associations and allies for each day of the week to help you infuse every day with magic.