2024 Libra Season Horoscopes

2024 Libra Season Horoscopes

2024 Virgo Season Horoscopes Reading 2024 Libra Season Horoscopes 15 minutes

Libra is the sister sign to Aries, symbolizing connection compared to Aries’s individuality. During its season, Aries risings must let their awareness expand past their goals to the people around them. This is especially true this year, as we will be experiencing a Solar Eclipse in Libra and a Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini. The Solar Eclipse will take place on October 2nd, putting the importance of relationship into perspective and renewing our drive towards harmony. Aries placements know how to maintain faith even in the darkest hours - how can you help others do the same during these difficult times? Pay attention to how bonding and conversation benefit you as well. Jupiter’s retrograde begins a week later on the 9th, redirecting expansive energy to our internal worlds. Gemini, like Libra, is an air sign, concerned with communication and mental activity. This transit asks you to focus on expanding your skills in these areas, particularly in those that help you form and maintain healthy connections. Gemini encourages us to embrace the duality of ourselves - we can love who we are when we burn our own trail, and who we are when we’re in loving symbiosis.

Allies for the Season: Putnam & Putnam Rose Candle, Weaving Minds Botanica Cimarron Plant Medicine Elixir, Iolite Tumbled Crystal 


Two planets return to their associated houses this month for all the Taurus risings out there. Mercury will be entering Libra and your House of Virgo on September 26th, empowering your mental capabilities for the remainder of the season. Organizational and practical skills will see a boost, especially in terms of team or group ventures. A Solar Eclipse occurs in the same house on October 2nd, so expect a brief disruption, followed by some necessary clarity concerning communication and your place within the community. Venus comes home to your Seventh House on September 22nd - this is especially powerful considering Venus is your chart ruler. This planet will be entering Scorpio, magnifying your magnetism and allure. Get ready to draw people in and engage in some deeper conversations. You should also expect to see some relationship dynamics shift, particularly after the Solar Eclipse. Jupiter in Gemini retrogrades this month as well, spurring some inner growth. Jupiter occupies your House of Taurus, so any issues concerning the material world and how you navigate it may be brought to light. Consider your values and which ones you’d like to feed moving forward. 

Allies for the Season: Magnetism Flowers & Stars Oil Blend, Vetiver Alight Incense Sticks, Tiger’s Eye Tumbled Crystal

It’s been a lot of heavy lifting for the Gemini risings lately! Luckily, all that work is starting to pay off in a big way. With a Libra Solar Eclipse in your Fifth House, your methods of achieving pleasure, romance, and enjoyment are transformed and reinspired. Once you recover from the initial shock of the Eclipse, good times are on the way! This is only heightened by Venus in Sagittarius entering its home in the Seventh House on October 17th - let it embolden you and use this fiery passion to explore new ways of enjoying yourself with loved ones. You’ve done a lot of work on your interpersonal skills. Now, you can reap the benefits. Chart ruler Mercury will actually be entering your House of Transformation on October 13th, catalyzing an energetic, “level up,” thanks to what you’ve put in motion. Jupiter’s retrograde begins about a week earlier in your First House, so personal metamorphosis is certainly in the cards for you. Remember to indulge in some fun activities, and be patient as you shift with the astrological tides!

Allies for the Season: Catch Fire Carnelian Gem Essence, Magic Hour Crossroads CandleRose Quartz

Eclipse season continues, and Cancer placements are bound to shift with the lunar energy. Your Libra-ruled house happens to be your House of Cancer, elevating the Moon’s effects even further. You can find power in this, though you may feel a little overwhelmed. The Solar Eclipse in Libra brings this energy to a crescendo on October 2nd, highlighting interpersonal issues and emotional expression. Embracing these realizations as useful information is the way to go - this sets you up to make the most of the Full Moon in Aries on the 17th. This Full Moon is a good time to think about balancing emotion with ambition. Both cups can be filled if we are mindful of how we invest our energy. Maybe you could even utilize your natural lunar gifts to get to the top; emotional expression is empowering! Libra Season also contains a Jupiter retrograde, which will take place on October 9th. The planet’s usual expansive energy is directed inward, particularly for Cancer risings, who will experience this shift in their Twelfth House. This is the last House on the Wheel and rules our subconscious, the depths of which may be illuminated by Jupiter. Spending some time alone or simply allowing yourself to be introspective will be useful - just don’t forget to reconvene with your support system after the deep dive!

Allies for the Season: Jasmine Putnam & Putnam Vibrant Intentions Candle, Rhodonite Tumbled CrystalWitch City Moondrops

Leo is a community-oriented sign, the source of warmth around which people gather. However, being a fixed sign, your exchanges aren’t always balanced. Leo risings tend to struggle with even give-and-take, often donating too much energy or demanding too much attention. With the Sun in Libra in your House of Gemini, it’s time to establish a little more equilibrium in your relationships. A Solar Eclipse in Libra also occurs this season on October 2nd, offering fresh insights how to achieve this. Consider what you need from others and what your loved ones need from you. Release any stale habits and ideas concerning how you navigate relationships and the obstacles that naturally coincide. Jupiter goes retrograde in Gemini on the 9th, calling for further internal growth. This is a transit to utilize as you work towards a more balanced way of connecting. Gemini is the sign of duality, teaching us to accept and honor our multifaceted existence. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, takes on this duality as it occupies your House of Aquarius. This actually heightens the theme of duality, as Aquarius is the sister sign to Leo. Over the next 4 months, let Jupiter guide you through inner growth around how you relate to and interact with your community. You can be the light people seek AND someone who advocates for their own needs.

Allies for the Season: Spiderweb Jasper Tumbled Crystal, Radical Love Rose Quartz Gem Essence, Blackjack Coven Candle

Libra Season may feel more comfortable to Virgo risings than other Virgo placements - your Libra-ruled house is the House of Taurus, and both of these signs are ruled by Venus. Beauty and romance flood your surroundings this month, offering plenty of inspiration and opportunity for connection. The Solar Eclipse on October 2nd will shake things up a bit, bringing your attention to matters concerning attachment styles, possessiveness, protectiveness, and relationship stability. Mercury will enter its related House on the 13th to help you sort it out. It will also be entering Scorpio, allowing you to dive deep into these issues and uncover their roots. Working in tandem with your chart ruler’s powerful position is Jupiter’s retrograde, which calls for inner growth. Jupiter will be in Gemini, Mercury’s other related sign, and your Tenth House. The Tenth House is associated with Capricorn, another Earth sign. Though your rising sign is an Earth sign as well, the difference is that Virgo tends to struggle focusing solely on their ambitions, while Capricorn naturally finds that drive. How can you utilize your Mercurial genius to get to the top? What are your strengths, and how can you be a little more selfish in using them? Remember that investing in yourself widens your range for helping others.

Allies for the Season: You’ve Got the Power Pyrite Gem Essence, Putnam & Putnam Vibrant Intentions Mint CandleIolite Tumbled Crystal

When I wrote horoscopes for Gemini Season, I mentioned that Libra Risings have an advantage with Jupiter entering Gemini - its corresponding House is ruled by Gemini in your chart. We will see this benefit more clearly as Jupiter begins to retrograde, since it will still be at home in the Ninth House. We love a little extra luck for your rising sign’s season! While many others will be grappling with inner blockages and resistance to change, Libra Risings will have an easier time navigating this transit. We’ll also be experiencing a Libra Solar Eclipse this month, meaning you’ll feel its effects in your House of Identity. Anyone with this rising sign will need the occasional recalibration when it comes to matters of the self, and that’s what the Solar Eclipse has to offer you. Self care, journaling, and affirmations may be of use at this time. Mercury will be occupying the same House to help you through this process. Your chart ruler Venus will also be occupying its related house in Scorpio for the majority of the season - let it lead you through this period of change and deliver you to a more beautiful version of yourself. Bring this renewed sense of self into your connections following the Aries Full Moon in your House of Relationships on October 17th. 

Allies for the Season: Libra Astrology Essence, Sunstone Tumbled Crystal, Serpentine Crystal Ritual Bath Soak & Zine

Though it isn’t quite Scorpio Season, this month holds a lot of power and vitality for Scorpio risings. We immediately start off with Venus entering Scorpio and your First House on September 22nd, rebirthing the planet’s energy. All things beauty and romance come to life around you, and your magnetism beckons in what is meant for you. A shake up comes our way with the Solar Eclipse in Libra. This occurs in your House of the Subconscious. If anything beneath the surface has been holding you back, the Moon will shine some light on these issues. Mercury in Libra will guide you through this process. Jupiter builds upon this energy on October 9th as it goes retrograde in your House of Scorpio. The planet’s expansive energy is redirected towards your inner mysteries and ongoing transformation. Stability gained from Pluto in Capricorn going direct on the 11th will help you recalibrate. Near the end of the month, Mercury enters Scorpio on the 13th, bringing clarity and inspiration in tow. This is the time to reconnect with your personal power, and the natural rejuvenation Scorpios find in change. By the time your season comes around, you’ll be ready to make the most of it.

Allies for the Season: Move Along Moldavite Gem Essence, Iolite Tumbled Crystal, Hekate Ritual Bath Bomb

Libra Season draws our attention to our relationships. With the Sun and a Solar Eclipse in your House of Aquarius, prepare for your social attitude to be reprogrammed. The Solar Eclipse will occur on October 2nd, bringing gifts of insight and new dreams for shared pursuits. Are there any adventures you’d like to partake in with the people you love, or dreams for the collective you’d like to share? What does your place in your community look like, and do you want it to change? Jupiter aids your journey with these questions as it enters retrograde in Gemini. Inner growth is initiated in your House of Libra - right on time for the season! If you can face any challenges that come up within your relationships and respond diplomatically, expect plenty of growth in how you interact with other people. Near the end of the season, Venus sails into Sagittarius on the 17th, and therefore your First House. Time to step into your diva era! Venus in the First House renews our appreciation of beauty and our expression of desire. Now that you’ve determined some relational dreams, utilize this Venusian power to attract a team to achieve them.

Allies for the Season: Spirits Calling Kyanite Gem Essence, Rose Quartz Crystal Ritual Bath Soak + Zine, Magnetism Flowers and Stars Oil Blend

This should be an inspiring season for Capricorn risings. Your house ruled by Libra is your House of Capricorn, bringing a sense of self-assuredness. We’ll experience a Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2nd. It may be a bit of a shake-up, but is bound to bring you some fresh ideas and perspective, particularly concerning how you can utilize your power and talents. Libra and Capricorn are initiators and creatives - there’s a lot of potential for new projects and pursuits. Pluto goes direct in your First House on the 11th, giving you a blank canvas on which to paint. The tearing down is over; now it’s time to create something new! Jupiter in Gemini will enter retrograde on the 9th, calling for inner growth concerning service, self-care, and nourishment. Cap placements tend to be focused on the long-term and all their grand plans for the future. Try to direct a little more energy into grounding in the present and connecting with your body. Being in touch with your needs and fully meeting them empowers you in every venture. The Full Moon in Aries comes on the 17th to bring clarity to your emotional needs as it illuminates its corresponding house in your chart. 

Allies for the Season: Moldavite Gem Essence, Bloodstone Tumbled Crystal, Apple Prohibition Blackjack Candle

Libra Season is bringing some fiery, passionate energy to all the Aquarius risings out there! You’ll start the month with a Libra Solar Eclipse in your Ninth House, bringing recalibration and clarity to all things Sagittarius. Philosophies, values, and beliefs all come to the forefront - do yours need to be readjusted or made a higher priority? Sagittarius and Libra demand justice and ethics be an essential part of life, and Aquarius placements need this compass in their humanitarian journeys. Venus enters Sagittarius in your House of Aquarius on October 17th, helping you integrate your beliefs into your relationships and future planning. We’ll also see Jupiter in Gemini entering retrograde this month on October 9th. These transits initiate inner growth instead of Jupiter’s typical external expansion. In your case, Jupiter will be occupying your House of Leo, bringing to light matters around creativity, pleasure, and self expression. Have you been holding onto any beliefs that hold you back from being your brightest, most fulfilled version of yourself? Release them on the Full Moon in Aries and let Jupiter expand your expressive horizons. 

Allies for the Season: Hexing the Patriarchy Spellbook, Carnelian Tumbled Crystal, Pink Color Magick Taper Candle

Pisces as a sign is boundless. It’s the sea of the collective, the ties that exist between us all. A chart with strong Pisces placements creates an empath that may easily find common ground or likeness in other people. This is a beautiful thing, and should be embraced. However, you might occasionally struggle to grasp what is and isn’t you, which traits and morals truly resonate. Libra Season holds a lot of clarity in these areas for Pisces risings. It begins on October 2nd with the Solar Eclipse in your House of Internal Assets - time to take stock of everything within. Remember that when you know what you contain, you know what you have to share. Jupiter enters retrograde in Gemini on the 9th, calling for inner growth and exploration. We’ll see this occur in your House of Roots, which concerns your emotional foundation, family, home, and childhood; certainly a lot to unpack! Though it’s hard work, it is the most gratifying in the end. This is how we come to terms with the full scope of who we are, and allow ourselves to grow past limitations. The Full Moon in Aries offers vitality and reinvigoration on the 17th. Remaining open to any insights on this Moon will be very valuable - if there’s one thing Aries knows, it’s identity!

Allies for the Season: Hauswarming Spell Kit for A Cozy Home, Hack Your Nervous System Oracle Deck, Seashell Oracle Deck



The days of the week carry just as much energy and symbolism as the months of the year or the phases of the moon, and that can be helpful for witches who like to time their spells with the vibe of the moment!Inside you'll find practices, associations and allies for each day of the week to help you infuse every day with magic.