A Day In The Life of Lish McSweeney

A Day In The Life of Lish McSweeney

Coven Cocktail Bar Cart: Sweet & Sour Mix Reading A Day In The Life of Lish McSweeney 3 minutes Next 2024 Virgo Season Horoscopes

My daily rituals are meant to be easy - and a lot of them don’t require any tools at all! Everything can be magickal as long as you think that it is.


I start my day off with a nice reflective shower. I think about my day's intentions and what I want to bring to it, and where magick can help! I’ll usually check what moon we’re under and see how the collective energy will be affected by it, since I see lots of people every single day.

When I’m getting ready, I use color magick to pick out my outfit. If I’m looking to use my day for collaboration, I’ll try to focus my outfit on blues and greens for communication and openness. If I’m looking for some boundaries, or if I’m feeling a bit anxious about the day, I’ll wear black to stabilize myself. As someone who worked in retail clothing for years, it’s so much fun to put my passion for fashion into my intentional daily routine! 


I take my breaks VERY seriously. This Virgo needs to be grounded! I take a moment to text my husband, look at photos of my pets, and send each of them some loving energy and hope their days are going well. I’m really grateful for them and taking this opportunity to send them love makes me feel connected to them even though I’m not directly next to them.

If I’m feeling off balance, I’ll also add some essences to my water bottle. I love using Black Tourmaline for grounding, but sometimes if I need an extra pep to my step or to get my creative juices flowing, I’ll add some Carnelian. 

Night Time:

As soon as I get home, my jewelry goes directly into selenite bowls to clear them of any unwanted energy. This helps them feel recharged for the next day and it’s honestly so easy I don’t even think about it! 

It’s my job to take my dog out at night, and these walks are something I look forward to every day. Salem is such a beautiful place, and my dog loves finding new areas to sniff around. I use his intuition to guide the walk, and carry Aventurine on me to connect with the nature around us. We’ve seen so many incredible things, like baby bunnies, patches of wild flowers, and beautiful sunsets. 

As you can probably tell, my practice is more about mindfulness and energy than anything else. I try to use as much radical softness as possible, because I want people to give me the grace to make mistakes and learn from them, and the world needs to feel that way too. Magick is kindness! Magick is beauty! There’s truly magick in everything. 



The days of the week carry just as much energy and symbolism as the months of the year or the phases of the moon, and that can be helpful for witches who like to time their spells with the vibe of the moment!Inside you'll find practices, associations and allies for each day of the week to help you infuse every day with magic.