Taurus season is coming up--the perfect time to have some fun in the kitchen! If you're interested in expanding your magical toolkit, look no further than your spice cabinet! Most of the common herbs and spices you already own have magical associations and are a perfect way to dabble in some plant/kitchen witchery without breaking the bank--just add some intention to your cooking process and you're making magic!

You can start by doing a magical inventory of your own spice cabinet! Make a list of what you already have and research the magical associations of these herbs--or create your own intuitive associations if that feels better for your practice! You can even write out labels listing the magical properties of your faves to help you embrace spell-crafting in the kitchen on the fly! If you want to up the ante, you can combine spices with compatible magical intention/flavors to create your own magical spice blends! The potential to get creative here is endless! To get you started, here are 4 simple spice blends you can use in your kitchen witchery--as always, feel free to customize these blends however works for you. I have not included measurements to encourage you to mix and taste as you go to until you find the blend that speaks to YOU. Tune in and be present with your sense of taste, smell, and intuition. Magic is rarely an exact science, and neither is mixing up these spice blends!
"Heat Things Up" BBQ Blend for Love and Lust
- Paprika- amplifies the power of any magical blend.
- Cayenne Pepper- repels negativity + speeds up effects of magical blends.
- Black Pepper- protection, associated with element of Fire (good for working with sensual energy!)
- Thyme- for love, ruled by Venus.
- Dulse Flakes- for sensuality and harmony in relationships.
- Ginger- for love, associated with element of Fire
- Cinnamon- for love + lust, associated with element of Fire
"Peace de Provence" Blend for Peace and Healing (Herbs de Provence inspired)
- Rosemary- ruled by the Sun, helps protect your peace
- Fennel- for healing, warding negativity
- Thyme- for healing
- Basil- for feelings of well-being
- Tarragon- for compassion/self-compassion
- Oregano- for peace
- Lavender- for calm and healing
- Marjoram- for happiness and health
"Seafood Sprinkle" for Power and Protection
- Salt- for clearing, purification
- Dill- ruled by element of Fire, good for protection
- Paprika- amplifies magical intention of blend
- Mustard- for protection, courage
- Black Pepper- for protection
- Caraway- for protection, mental power
- Thyme- for purification and courage
- Bay Leaf- for strength, purification
- Cinnamon- for protection and success
- Cloves- For luck and protection
"All-Purpose Abundance" Seasoning Salt
- Salt- for clearing, purification
- Sugar- for sweetness and success
- Black Pepper- for protection
- Paprika- amplifies magical intention
- Nutmeg- for luck and money, ruled by Jupiter
- Cayenne- repels negativity + speeds up effects of spellwork
- Thyme- for money and luck
Now go forth and cast some delicious spells! If this taste of kitchen witchcraft has you working up an appetite for more, make sure you check out the the Kitchen Witch Zine, Be A Kitchen Witch, and The Witch's Feast: A Kitchen Grimoire in the shop for more mouthwatering magic!