3. Next was paint. I decided to paint the dowels dark navy blue mixed with black to mimic the dark of the night sky. I liked the natural wood color of the "stars" so I painted them with clear glow-in-the-dark paint, because why not?
3. Once I made sure everything fit together properly, I put a dab of hot glue (from my hot glue gun that I have because it's 1987 and I'm your mom) inside each of the holes before I put the dowel in. This made it nice and sturdy.
4. Viola!
5. The last step was to hang it. I tied three lengths of this Monofilament Illusion Cord around the dowels at different points to distribute the weight evenly. Then I tied the three strands together with a knot. A few inches up I tied another knot, and so on until I had 4 different knots at different heights so I had some options about how high to hang it.
I liked this project. I'm toying with the idea of selling them in an Etsy shop or something. But they're really easy! You can make them yourself! For like, $15!
Seriously though, you should contact me if you want one. Thanks again to Rachael Swain for the great idea!
Okay! The moon is in Taurus and the Witches say: "Walk in the woodlands". They also insist that on the 27th "The best is yet to come." So there.