This is a FULL full moon. Themes have to do with shedding, moving beyond, moving on, and liberation. We collectively continue the process of uncovering all of our various identities. In fact, themes of this month’s Moon will continue through all of August, so pay attention to any and all circumstances that show up for you along those lines.
It would behoove all signs to re-read your Tarotscope from last month before diving into the messages below. Acknowledge how far you’ve come. Eclipse season may likely feel like it was one million years ago: that is both a testament to the heaviness and complexity of the times, and proof of how much you are learning, growing, and integrating. Other folks will be celebrating the outcomes that their choices brought them. Some are still integrating their lessons. When folks refuse to integrate, they react in ways that are unkind, defensive, and extreme. Pay attention to who is interested in dialogue, and who only can deflect or wants to start a fight.
The theme of integration through movement is an important one to focus on. Moving on. Moving closer. Moving with the winds of change, destruction, and creation you find yourself ready for. Your personality can always change. Certain attachment patterns can be shed. We’ve outgrown identities. Along with awakenings come discomfort. The first reaction is to mourn. Grief may be a companion this month. So too may be exuberance, when you count all your blessings, search for good news, and realize you get to make yourself up anyway you please. So many of us are finding ourselves through finding our people. Celebrate the ones you love.
Wherever you are during this Full Moon, give yourself space to move. Steward emotions out of your body. Perform movements designed to support your future self. Make a move towards yourself: towards the future self you are becoming, towards the exhausted parts that need rest, and towards the afraid parts that need reassurance. Move towards a greater sense of self-love, self-regard, self-compassion. Make a move towards others: your community, the nature around you, even if it is the dandelions growing out of the sidewalk near your house, or a favorite potted plant. Make a move towards those who need your attention, your support, your activism.
The Moon is Full in Aquarius, the astrological sign associated with devotion to the collective, consciousness expansion, rebelliousness and revolution. The wheels will continue to turn, with or without you. Choose to move with: your guides, your desires, your ethics, your angels, the movement for Black lives, disabled lives, undocumented lives, sex worker lives, Brown lives, Trans lives, Indigenous lives, and all of the various lives that make this one precious humanity a mirror to the cosmos: millions of glittering star children, dancing and loving and visioning all of us into the future.
Two of Pentacles
General life advice tells us not to multi-task, but Aries, I’m going to implore you to do so as you welcome in this month’s Full Moon. Combine your self-love practice with your breath. Whisper I love you so much, on your inhale. Affirm you are doing great, alongside your exhale. Combine an embodiment practice with errands. As you wait in line, ground into the earth and relax your spine. When doing the dishes, hum healing energy into your crown. Try to hold one awesome possible-outcome in one hand, as you hold one not great possible-outcome in the other. Try to remain as detached as you can from either. Use your heart as a pendulum to tell you where your body needs to go.
Another supported strategy for you is to collect and savor tiny bits of time to support your dreams and goals. Think: 5 minutes to meditate, 15 minutes to meal prep, 20 minutes to try to learn something new—or research therapists, or scrub the bathtub—and 30 minutes to immerse yourself in nature. A little is better than nothing at all. If your life needs to look like a collage, balance it out so that the hard parts lay next to the sweet ones in a vibrant mosaic.
For so long, you’ve felt like you’ve been running in place. This is about rebalancing your energy. Real witches know magic is in the mundane, found in every day moments. The August Full Moon brings you messages about what the best choices to make with your time and energy. Your energy needs to be aligned as much as possible so your intuition will pick up all the insights waiting for you underneath the vibrant, summer moonlight.
Suggested spell ingredients: Your best dance improv to Enya, an energetic to-do list, tiger’s eye, a $2 bill on your altar, a spirited FaceTime game of yes/and with a good friend, a session of musical chairs with your fears, and “Orinoco Flow” by Enya on repeat.
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The Knight of Cups
This is a time of movement—movements, not moments. Your movements, and the movements of this heart-led world, are in sync. They are all rivers of action that flow and keep on flowing towards a starry destination. The waking up that much of the world is experiencing mirrors your own potent process of gaining stronger self-awareness. You see where you are doing most excellent. You understand where you can do better. Take this Full Moon to acknowledge how much you’ve grown.
You’ve been reflecting so much about who you are and who you are meant to be, it is difficult to tell if the gaze staring back at you is your own, your ancestors’, or messages from an adoring future lover. The answer is all of the above. As you move through more and more ego shedding, energies of support—some spiritual, some external, some internal—continue to open up to you.
The Knight of Cups is about the possibilities our love creates when it is moved. And you, Gentle Bull, are moving closer to your life’s purpose, closer to a full body Y-E-S. Every day you learn more about trust as you fly towards a brilliant unknown. Every day it is clearer that your journey helps others heal. Let this Full Moon illuminate the poetry of your true desires. Continue to move towards all of them.
Suggested spell ingredients: Rhodonite, prickly pear juice, your favorite June Jordan poem read out loud, a (socially distanced) nighttime picnic, a white candle lit in a clear glass bowl, laid on top of a piece of paper where you’ve written the only word you need to hear, and “Stay High” by Brittany Howard on repeat.
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2 of Swords, Reversed
There are a couple of ways to find out what your core wounds are that must be healed in this lifetime. There are a couple of ways to find out what the core of your life’s purpose is, as well. The answer is the same. The clues are in what keeps showing up, and how intensely you try to resist and avoid it. You are good at running fast from your dreams sometimes, Sweet Gem. The good news is, your dreams will always run faster towards you.
Wound up in your dreams—the ones you hardly let yourself in on, never mind anyone else—are your fears. To face your fears is to send a lipstick-stained invitation to your dreams. To face your dreams is to hold hands with your fears. It could be this way. Finding acceptance in the irony of this duality might be your Full Moon task. Or, this could be the Full Moon to banish fear, to dissolve doubt, and to choose yourself.
Two months from now, your life will look very different, Gemini. Much of that transformation depends on where your attention is right now. It will be based on the choice you must make, every day, to give your truest self back to you: beautifully messy, open eyed, and resolutely determined to express your deepest calling.. Let the energy of this Air sign Full Moon guide you back to yourself through loving inquiries of what hurts you and what holds you. This is how you engage fully with your destiny.
Suggested spell ingredients: Scissors, a lavender scented eye pillow, deep breaths when noticing tension, tightness, or contraction, amethyst, a little bracelet fashioned out of linen you create to remind you of what is most important, and “Genesis” by Grimes on repeat.
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The Star
Eclipse season was rough for you, Moon child. A lot of healing opportunities disguised as crisis, betrayals, and chaos surrounded you. A lot of intense tests around trusting your intuition, staying in your faith, and using your voice surfaced. Some of these were very old wounds—maybe even from another lifetime, perhaps woven deeply through your ancestral line. Gentle One, you met those tests with courage and surfaced on the other side a changed person. Now the sweet, rosewater benefits are flowing in for you to enjoy.
If you find yourself under this Aquarius Full Moon without peace , then it is imperative that you decide to make some. A vital part of making peace is forgiving yourself. Now that you know what happens when you take the best possible care of yourself, stay the course. Move into the energy of the Star.
Heidegger wrote: “A Person is not a thing or a process but an opening through with the Absolute can manifest.” This is a Full Moon that wishes for you to resolutely connect to your own light. It is time to open up enough to let the divine beam through you. Let source energy assist you with upcoming projects of your life. Over time, these become the shining constellation of your legacy.
Suggested spell ingredients: Celestite, vessels filled with rosewater, silk sheets, herbal and salt foot soaks, a prayer of peace and gratitude to the God/Goddess/Goddexx/divinity that lives deeply within you, and “What’s Your Pleasure?” by Jessie Ware on repeat.
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Knight of Pentacles
Everything is made up of matter and ether. Over 200,000 years ago Sapiens evolved on this planet, created by story and the ability to master the elements in a way no other species had before them. Once upon a time, much of humanity’s life revolved around rituals, spell work, close relationship with the earth: the ideologies they told themselves about who they were, and what they believed their world to be. Matter and ether; earth and air.
Lion heart, belief hangs on a hook of trust, nailed onto the wall with experience, entitlement, and a longings of security. Its counter, doubt, curls up in the belly of the extended unknown, which is all of life (though we fool ourselves into thinking otherwise). Doubt gets jolted awake in the curveball, or the accumulation of oppression, chaos, or betrayal. Yet both doubt and belief dance with one another, reluctant partners in the ballroom of motivation.
You’ve had too many moments of doubt to count this year. Yet, still the belief pours through the cracks in the walls strong enough for you to keep your head lifted. Sturdy enough for you to put one foot in front of the other while you choose which dance partner to clasp arms with. Lovely Leo, this summer has you deeply interrogating work, money, capital of all kinds, trust, your physical and mental health, and where you—and we—are headed next. Some traditions must stay, and some traditions must be disrupted. Cast a spell this Full Moon to make up a beautiful root system of belief that will keep you supported, as you write the new stories that will bring us into future.
Suggested spell ingredients: The elements of earth, air, Picasso jasper, your favorite folk tales and mythologies, dollar bills, amber, time spent dancing with your beliefs, and “It Gets Better (With Time)” by The Internet on repeat.
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9 of Wands
For you, dear Virgo, this Full Moon is a Harvest Moon come early. Much is blooming: and sometimes blooming looks like parsing out what to leave, and what to keep. This Moon will take the temperature of how you are to best take care of yourself and so many others. The tear gas floods unfree cities, the trauma saturates our timelines. Monstrous policies affect our closest relations, our dearest held people and dreams. Yet, the clock of your golden heart keeps ticking: a metronome that helps us remember our own sovereignty, helps us to stay the best course.
Chapters are ending. Name them. Don’t be afraid to dismantle self-imposed barriers. Don’t be afraid to trade in completion for other forms of upcoming available wisdom.
How to know when a lesson has been learned? When you are no longer interested in getting bogged down in the same certain snags. How to remember which dead end not to get lost in? Make a remembrance list in red ink, fold the paper carefully, place it in a box and keep it by your bed. Read it over each night until your brain, your body has memorized it. When you feel your cells tingling with the integration of gratitude, hold the paper over a lit red candle until the smoke offers up its secrets to you.
Suggested spell ingredients: A red ink pen, a box, a red candle, matches or a lighter, snowflake obsidian, deep listening, eucalyptus stems for your shower, a 7 minute movement-meditation for your next 7 mornings, and “Them Changes” by Thundercat on repeat.
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Ace of Swords
What does a banishing spell for fascism look like? Is it obsidian daggers and ash? Protests and petition signing? Yes, and. It might also be a planted garden in an abandoned space, bringing food to your local food bank, or deciding to take an afternoon off to breathe deeply while reading a favorite childhood book. It isn’t either/or, like much of life it is yes, and.
Luscious Libra, this Full Moon, and the entire month, is about approaching time spent in mental clarity and peace as non-negotiable. Mental detoxes would be beneficial: time off social media, screens, and time in nature, reading books, and meditating is key. This is a beautiful Full Moon to initiate longer projects that have been brewing in your mind. Research, writing, communication are all areas to focus on. If you need to start that podcast: begin. If it is time to start pitching yourself for types of jobs or projects you’ve been attracted to for a long time, go for it. Or, simply take your time taking time. Enjoying yourself is a spell against fascism too.
Hold space for all of the ways that your words can express all of your recent discoveries. The textures of your mind softly overlay until they coalesce into a holographic form of grace: lily pads simultaneously floating on the glass surfaced water and rooting down with the flexibility that compassionate commitment brings.
Suggested spell ingredients: Time spent researching the concept of the diamond mind and defining what that would look like and feel like for you, Herkimer diamonds, koan reading and writing, lotus essence, an afternoon nap or meditation under a tree’s shady branches, and “Bones” by Ivy Sole on repeat.
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This Full Moon—and all of August—will be intense in a way that is bound to bring transformation. Judgement requires you to pause, then pivot. The universe wants you to slow down long enough to decode the metaphors and symbology that orbit around you. These are intriguing guides to help you unpack the excavation and realignment of your psyche. They act as the rope to grasp as you walk through the disorienting process of awakening. A useful question for you to ask all month is: What is underneath the underneath?
Attention for attention’s sake does not equal relevance. It can be easy to mistake the dopamine and adrenaline that accompany surface compliments and traditional accolades for your purpose. Don’t get distracted. Ultimately, what you seek is a specific quality of influence. The collective, your immediate community, and strangers you’ve yet to meet all could benefit from your emergent voice and vision. This first requires time spent in the depths, far beyond a surface riddled with defense, unproductive chatter, or circular conversations.
Sustained engagement begins with submerging yourself in your interior: in various histories and abandoned dreams, with how you relate to yourself and what you are training yourself to listen for. What clues, what whispers, what angels will you allow yourself to follow? Much support awaits when you decide to heed the call.
Suggested spell ingredients: Black moonstone, coconut water, an expanse of field or forest or ocean to ground into, a notebook to record your own archives of symbols, sprigs of rosemary to protect you from the superfluous, and “I Remember” by Molly Drake on repeat.
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The High Priestess
When one receives the High Priestess for a Full Moon, it is a cosmic lottery win. This is absolutely a lunation to dust off your crystals, gather your coven, and center intuitive-led magic. Lately, it hasn’t been exactly easy to parse out what is anxiety and what is your deeper knowledge. There could be resistance around taking time to center intangible concerns such as mystery, magic, and mysticism. There are so many other, more urgent material needs for ourselves and others, that we must address. Being of service to others requires us to know ourselves—our deepest selves, the essence of our true self—as well as can be.
A paradox of intuition is that the more we try to force it to come in a specific way, the more elusive it can be. The sooner we acknowledge that we are receptive, and that we are open to any form our inner knowing will take, the sooner the High Priestess glides into our dreamscape.
This Full Moon is time to sit still enough to coax your intuition out. Like a deer walking slowly out of the periphery of a deep emerald forest. Like the raven finally deciding to make intense crystal ball eye contact from across the divide of sky. It all starts with quiet, gentle acknowledgement, respectful curiosity, and intentional engagement. Extend that energy to your healing process, your loved ones, and your spell work. If you don’t know what you want or need exactly, or what to cast a spell around, that’s okay. Focus your efforts on the protection of the collective. Give your shadow some love. And when you receive a glimmer, or a crashing wave of your own inner voice, pause. Energetically memorize the sensation under this sacred August Full Moon.
Suggested spell ingredients: Lapis lazuli, videos of fawn taking their first steps, 4 white candles to be lit while you bathe, the poetry of Carl Phillips, prayers to Hecate and Artemis, and “Here Comes the Sun” by Nina Simone on repeat.
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6 of Pentacles
The time has come to make discipline sexy again. If anyone can do it, it’s you Capricorn. Hone in on the quality of discipline that accompanies true reward: a kind of success that emanates from the inside out. This isn’t about raising the bar again to have to hustle unnecessarily to reach it. This isn’t about rigid expectations that result in self-punishment. Those are capitalist impulse that was ingrained in you is ready to be shelved. This is about a rebalancing, a horizontal move. One that takes you to a place where you are fulfilled by living out your values, keeping your creativity and curiosity piqued. One where you can give freely, not because you feel pressured or obligated.
This Full Moon wants you to allow your Self reciprocity. Between your intuition and your decisions. Between your inherent self-worth and…no matter what happens. Exhale deeply while letting go of what what you can’t control.
You’ve worked incredibly hard to get to where you are right now. You’ve worked incredibly hard to get to who you are right now. Use all that experience, industriousness, and desire to fashion a plan to rebalance. Here’s a formula: discipline plus flexibility plus optimism plus heart plus truth plus energy plus communication plus collaboration. Mix those up however you need, and you’ll be on the path to your next adventure.
Suggested spell ingredients: Recordings of changing tides to meditate on, smoky quartz for your front door, rose quartz by your bedside, ice cubs made with rosewater or orange blossom essence to sweeten your nourishment, a long socially-distanced-mask-on walk under the Moon’s glow, and “Sound of Rain” by Solange on repeat.
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Ace of Cups
What a fantastic Full Moon this will be for you, Water Bearer. Not only is this Moon in your Sun sign, but the archetype that was pulled for you is the Ace of Cups—the card of many opportunities in love, harmony, spirituality, connection, beauty, and intimacy. This card often appears when there are chances for healing and fulfillment in those areas of your life.
Open up to a new love. Define and refine what that looks like and feels like. You are ready to receive what you need. So, you’d better be super clear about what those needs are, and how to clearly ask for them. Once you do so, chances are they will appear easily.
Self-love has been one of the themes—and challenges—of this beyond intense year for you. Let this Full Moon be a reminder of how far you’ve come. Flowers in a vase need their water to be refreshed often; fresh water can help baby plant cuttings flourish into gorgeous abundant life. Use this Full Moon to refresh your water. Tend to the tools that nurture your spiritual life, your love life, and help you grow. The real “law of attraction” is love. The more your intentions are aligned with the more vulnerable parts of your heart, the more powerful your magic will be.
Suggested spell ingredients: fresh flowers or plant cuttings to propagate, malachite, fresh mint steeping in a mason jar filled with water, many teacups filled with your favorite things placed all around your abode for you to enjoy, small bowls outside filled with seeds, or blueberries, left out for the birds, wildlife, or fairies, and “Fall in Love” by Yuno on repeat.
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4 of Wands
Dear Pisces, since the last Lunar Eclipse, the revelations have been appearing for you daily—sometimes hourly. What you see and how you see is changing your truth for the better. This awareness has expanded into reframes, boundaries, and vibrant visions. While you are dealing with a ton of intensity, a boat load of challenges, and a lot of incredibly valid grief, something within you has shifted. Larger lessons are now clear. Some of your circumstances are metaphors for the core wounds you are healing. Now, you are more interested in moving towards acceptance, curiosity, and connection. This commitment offers you a stable platform of self. The more you understand your competency, the more solutions will be granted. This is the moment to make a different decision, and take another action.
The future moment begins now.That is the gift of living in spiral time.
You are deciding what to leave behind and what to hold onto (or, in some cases who is truly on your team, and who is not). You are understanding which parts of your identity were false, or internalized self-punishment. The unique gifts you continue cultivate direct your path and simultaneously protect it. You are learning how to allow creativity and desire override fear. It feels weird, but everything is weird right now. Let the energy of this Full Moon soak into your flesh and remind you that you are right on time.
Suggested spell ingredients: A festive solo-party thrown for your past selves, present selves, and future selves, seashell fossil, an orange candle, a wreath that celebrates your creativity to place in the center of your altar, an episode or two from your favorite Real Housewives season, and “Obedear” by Purity Ring on repeat.
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