2025 Aquarius Season Horoscopes

2025 Aquarius Season Horoscopes

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Feeling the Mars retrograde yet? By now, I’m sure most Aries risings have felt this transition, and probably not in the most comfortable way. This planet has moved back into Cancer and remains here for Aquarius Season, where it digs into our emotional realm and creates friction. Frustrations that have been hidden beneath the surface are dredged up to be examined. How do we cope? Well, in the spirit of Aquarius, it’s time to connect and vent! Finding solace in community and collective action might balance out the stagnancy we’re feeling individually. The good news of the season is that we do start to see things move forward again in terms of the outer planets. Jupiter finally goes Direct in Gemini mid-month, allowing expansion back into our external lives, especially in terms of our communication and mental activity. While Aries placements tend to prefer more physical outlets or ones that provide more tangible results, give Gemini brainstorming a shot and see if you can channel that passion into things that spark your interest. If there’s a hobby or subject you’ve been wanting to deep-dive into, now is a great time. Uranus, planet of invention and Aquarius itself, also goes Direct this month, so we’ll receive a big boost intellectually. Connect with your inner student and hit the books (or YouTube)!

Allies for the Season: Patchouli Alight Incense, Moon Phases Journal, Dumortierite Tumble

Taurus risings aren’t the most comfortable with change. In fact, Aquarius isn’t too fond of it either (unless it’s their decision), but that’s what this season has in store for us anyways. You will find your rhythm again, but for now, we must adjust. Uranus in Taurus and Jupiter in Gemini both go Direct this month, ending the period of stagnancy we’ve been enduring, and allowing time and energy to resume their regular paces. Uranus will be in your First House, so prepare for realizations and discoveries of the self. Taurus placements tend to have a very solid sense of self, but we all contain depths that we’ll occasionally need to explore. Jupiter’s location in your House of Resources actually brings in some good fortune. This is the planet of expansion and abundance, after all! If you’ve been experiencing financial roadblocks or any stresses over stability, get ready for the tides to change in your favor. It might be beneficial to redo your budget or get a clearer picture of your spendings to aid this process. Aquarius rules your Tenth House, after all, which is all about the long term. Your chart ruler Venus will also be moving into Aries this month, where she is electric with passion. Its placement in your Twelfth House is an interesting contrast, where the energy is dreamy and liminal. Try finding pleasure and extravagance in areas you normally wouldn’t. Where can you introduce romance where you’d usually find confusion, or even fear?

Allies for the Season: Move Along Moldavite Gem Essence, Abundance Spell Pouch, Opalite Tumble

Aquarius Season is bringing huge shifts in energy this year, and Gemini risings may be some of the most well-equipped to handle it. Jupiter and Uranus both go Direct this month, with Jupiter occupying Gemini. Jupiter’s transition allows for external expansion to resume, which may benefit you especially with its placement in your First House. Lean into all things Gemini - curiosity, conversation, debate, sharing your knowledge and interests - and see what happens. Uranus’s Direct motion ends uncomfortable stagnancy and brings on necessary changes. Gemini placements are some of the most adaptable, and they see the benefit in leaning into these shifts. The planet will be in Taurus, bringing changes to the world of resources in particular. It will also be occupying your Twelfth House, so prepare for some revelations around what lies within your subconscious. As for your chart ruler, Mercury will first enter Aquarius on January 27th, then Pisces on February 14th. Generally, the shift from Aquarius to Pisces is moving from an independent humanitarian to feeling like part of the collective. It’s a transition from recognizing the importance of serving humanity to recognizing that you are humanity. What do you have to offer to the greater good? You don’t have to save the world, but you certainly possess gifts that can benefit those that need you, which in turn benefits yourself.

Allies for the Season: Revolution Magic Hour Candle, Most Triumphant Sugar Spell Scrub, Spirits Calling Kyanite Gem Essence                                                           

If one thing’s certain about Cancer risings, you can dive deep when necessary. Aquarius Season is calling for some soul-searching this year, particularly concerning your motivations and drives. Mars retrograde continues in Cancer and your First House, so while you may feel a little frustrated or stagnant, this can offer some great insight. Are there any issues to resolve around anger? Can you channel your anger into action? Cancer risings are great at alchemizing their emotions, so focus on finding some healthy outlets. Mars isn’t all rage, though - consider your passion as well, and where it best serves you. Acting on it might not be in the cards yet, but maybe you can reconnect with your inner fire and listen to where it wants to lead you. Two outer planets are going Direct this month, balancing out this retrograde, with Jupiter in Gemini and Uranus in Taurus. Jupiter will be in your Twelfth House, bringing some fresh, abundant energy to your inner world. This will make it a lot easier to process any tension beneath the surface and remove blockages. Less stress and more dreaming sounds pretty good, right? You’ll experience Uranus’s change of course in your House of Aquarius, bringing inspiration and insight to your aspirations, as well as your friendships. While we wait for Mars to go Direct, it’s a great time to do some dreaming and scheming! Dive into some introspection around where you’d like to see yourself in the future. Then, expand it a little further to include your social circle and even the collective. Make sure you share your ideas as they form; connection has never been more important!

Allies for the Season: The Dreamer Anointing Oil, Bitches of Eastwick Sugar Spell Scrub, Let Your Shadow In Deck

Aquarius is the polar sign to Leo, and the two signs represent different ways of relating to your community. Sunny Leo is the heart of its social circle, offering its abundance and vitality to anyone who needs them. Aquarius is the guiding light of the collective, offering new paths forward as it boldly defies the norm. Both energies are necessary for humanity. Your task this month is to explore a little bit of your wild side and break tradition, particularly as Uranus, Aquarius’s associated planet, goes Direct. Uranus is in Taurus and your House of Capricorn, so it’s time to physicalize this energy, and allow it to expand your capabilities. Jupiter in Gemini also goes Direct this month within your House of Aquarius, so if you can access your inner Aquarian, you’ll certainly reap the benefits! What could this look like? Try a weird new hobby! Attend a rally or protest! Wear an outfit that will turn heads! Advocate for what you believe in, whether it’s a popular opinion or not. This sign is a rebel WITH a cause, and what better time to step out of your comfort zone than its own season? 

Allies for the Season: Give ‘Em Hell Crystal Spell Pouch, A Simple Soap Spell Against the Patriarchy, Ritual Matches

Aquarius Season may feel more comfortable for Virgo risings - Aquarius rules your House of Virgo! As chart ruler Mercury joins the Sun here this month, let yourself reconnect with your rising sign energy; productive, practical, intentional. These skills will be valuable as we experience some major astrological shifts this month. Jupiter and Uranus both go Direct over the next few weeks, allowing time and energy to flow at their usual pace. Jupiter occupies Gemini and your Tenth House, bringing expansion and abundance to your career and long-term planning. In the spirit of all the Air sign energy, share your ideas with your circle and get collaborative! Different perspectives are vital to Aquarian energy. Uranus in Taurus goes Direct in your House of Spirituality and Philosophy, allowing you to harness inspiration and take it to higher levels. Some shifts in morals or beliefs may occur, but this will likely be motivating rather than upsetting. Let any new ideas take form, one shape after another, until it feels right. Then let the Taurus energy ground it in new projects. Aquarius Season is the perfect time to be experimental with your creativity, so don’t let any Virgo perfectionism hold you back!

Allies for the Season: Catch Fire Carnelian Gem Essence, Crackle Quartz Point, Papier d’Armenie Incense Papers

This month is packed with action and passion for Libra risings. Aquarius rules your House of Pleasure and Romance, while Venus will be entering Aries and your House of Relationships. Venus in Aries is especially fiery and exuberant, letting herself get caught up in the moment without a second thought. So let yourself fall in love with everything and everyone this season, consequences be damned. Jupiter and Uranus will also be going Direct, bringing us out of stagnation and back into the natural swing of things. Uranus in Taurus occupies your House of Intimacy, so leave room for discovery in this area of life. Libra placements can be a little weary of vulnerability, preferring to keep things lighthearted. See if you can push past this tendency and dive deeper. Jupiter in Gemini brings expansion and forward motion to your House of Philosophy and Spirituality as it leaves its retrograde. This is actually the House we associate with Jupiter, so you’ll feel this shift to a high degree. As you enjoy this period of romance and beauty, remember that this is a natural catalyst for growth for the Venus-ruled. How do these experiences enhance your world view, your morals and beliefs? 

Allies for the Season: Dreaming of You Sugar Spell Scrub, Fortune Teller Candle, The Lover Anointing Oil

Mars remains in its retrograde and the world feels like it’s standing still. The Mars-ruled like yourself are probably feeling this stagnancy the most. While we can’t change what the planets are doing, we can redirect our energy to coincide with it. Aquarius rules your House of Home and Family, which is perfect for a more sedentary time. Spend some time reconnecting with your space, clearing out any stale vibes and beautifying it to your current liking. If anything feels like it no longer resonates with who you are or brings up unpleasant memories, get it outta there! Mars’s retrograde is activating your House of Philosophy and Values, so you may gain some perspective on how you’ve changed internally and what you need to do to recalibrate externally. We do see some outer planets start to bring us back to our normal pace as they leave their own retrogrades this month. Jupiter in Gemini goes Direct in your House of Scorpio, allowing your natural Scorpio skills to expand and bring in more abundance. Intimacy, transformation, and research with a passion are bound to be beneficial. Uranus in Taurus also goes Direct this month, and Scorpio risings will see this happen in their House of Relationships. This may cause some surprising shifts within your social life, but in general, it will be for the better. Taurus is stable and sustainable, while Uranus offers unique insight - all useful information/energy for your connections. Try to go with the flow, and lean into your Scorpio rising powers of transformation!

Allies for the Season: HausMagick, Counter Magick Banish, Malachite Tumbled Crystal

Hi, Sag risings! It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for - Jupiter in Gemini is finally leaving its retrograde. Since this is your chart ruler, you’ll be the ones reaping the most rewards here. This occurs within your House of Relationships, so expect some abundance and expansion within your social circle. Aquarius also rules your House of Communication, so this month is your time to yap it up! Collaboration, conversation, romance, and friendship are all receiving a nice big boost of positive energy. Now, Gemini is the polar sign to Sagittarius, so shifting your approach to align with the former will maximize the benefits you receive. Gemini is adaptable, open to others' perspectives and changing its mind when necessary. Sagittarius is a little more prone to stubbornness and doubling down. So while you certainly shouldn’t try to discard all your Sag energy, keeping an open mind is key! Uranus in Taurus also goes Direct this month, bringing new insights and potential changes to your world of self care and service to others. I think it makes sense to revisit these topics this time of year, anyways, especially as we’re seeing so many political shifts unfold. How can you be of help to your community, and to yourself? Both can be nourished if you use intention and analysis. Give a try, and maybe make it a group effort in the spirit of Aquarius season.

Allies for the Season: Labradorite Tumbled Crystal, Winter Solstice Incense, Season of the Witch Sugar Spell Scrub

Capricorn placements tend to be ten steps ahead of everyone else, and planning the next twenty. While this is a wonderful trait for such ambitious people, Aquarius Season is asking you to be present, and possibly use this skill for the collective. Aquarius rules your House of Taurus, possibly the most grounded of all the signs. Take some time to reconnect with your body and your environment. Even though it’s cold and wintry, there are still some great ways to feel tethered to nature, whether that’s through bird watching or new houseplants. Two outer planets also go Direct this month, offering forward-flowing energy to break stagnancy. Jupiter in Gemini occupies your House of Self Care, so filling your own cup has never been more beneficial. You can and should do this with loved ones, too - Gemini and Aquarius are air signs, after all! Uranus also goes Direct in Taurus and your House of Romance and Pleasure. This might bring in some surprising changes to this area of life, but it will also bring insight and fresh inspiration. As you work on staying grounded and present, have a little fun with it! It’s not all meditation and hard work. Paint some pottery with friends, go on a cute date, or dance around your living room. Once Mars leaves its retrograde, you can return to conquering the world - promise!

Allies for the Season: Spanish Moss Blackjack Candle, Radical Love Rose Quartz Gem Essence, Mahogany Obsidian Tumble

Merry Aquarius Season! This one will be especially powerful because your chart ruler Uranus is leaving its retrograde and resuming forward motion in Taurus. Occupying your House of Memories, Home, and Family, this transit should bring a lot of relief. Aquarius placements are naturally future-oriented, so if you’ve been living in the past, now’s the time to look forward once again. Though you may be processing some grief over what has changed, remember that you can shape your future in a way that is equally beautiful. Jupiter in Gemini also goes Direct this season; outward expansion takes priority once again. This planet dwells in your House of Pleasure and Romance, and you might start to find more fulfillment in these areas of life. Utilize your Aquarian inventiveness and affinity for unique experiences to make the most of this energy. If opportunities come your way for fun, seize them! Aquarius finds a greater sense of self through trial and error - this is bound to happen with all the activity in your First House anyways. Let life be your greatest experiment and see what’s out there that makes you feel alive.

Allies for the Season: Aquarius Astrology Essence, Ladybird Incense, Carnelian Tumbled Crystal

Lots of Pisces energy this month, even though it’s Aquarius Season! Aquarius rules your House of Pisces, Mercury enters Pisces, and Venus is already there. So, it’s time to embrace the magic of your rising sign. Mars is still in retrograde as well, making it the perfect time to be your dreamy self. Play around in your imagination and dive deep when it feels right. Jupiter in Gemini will be going Direct in your House of Home and Family, making it a great time to process what you need to from the past, and free yourself of any stale beliefs/memories. This month isn’t all heavy shadow work though! Uranus in Taurus goes Direct in your House of Communication. This energy works well with the other side of Pisces, which is a great sense of the collective, and knowing we are all part of a greater whole. So, when you’re not exploring your inner depths, get out and get connected! With Venus in Pisces in your First House, you’re bound to make an impression as your beauty and magnetism are amplified. Share your dreams with people you trust, and make space for theirs as well. In the spirit of Aquarius Season, it may also be beneficial to discuss your wishes for the collective’s future as well. Now is the time to fight feelings of isolation and revive feelings of community, and no one knows this better than Pisces.

Allies for the Season: Sweet Dreams Crystal Spell Pouch, Counter Magick Astral, Selenite Wand




The days of the week carry just as much energy and symbolism as the months of the year or the phases of the moon, and that can be helpful for witches who like to time their spells with the vibe of the moment!Inside you'll find practices, associations and allies for each day of the week to help you infuse every day with magic.