Gather all your favorite crafty (and not-so-crafty) witches for an otherworldly hands-on celebration creating your very own magical talismans! Choose between DIY Dream Jars or Wearable Sigils, then fill out the private party request form to get started.

All DIY Witchcrafting Parties take place @ The Clubhaus (58 Pulaski Street in Peabody, MA, a 10-minute drive from Salem) 

Dream Jars

With all the magical ingredients at your disposal, you and your guests will be guided through the process of making containers for the subconscious. You’ll learn all about herbs for calming + dreaming, crystals for calling in spirit guides + guardian angels, and constellations for protection + channeling. 


  • Your own personal HausWitch Spell Specialist 

  • A buffet of magical ingredients to use including various herbs and crystals

  • An info packet for setting up the perfect dreamscape

  • Time to swap stories about your favorite dreams

  • Your own witch workspace all to yourselves

  • A custom DIY dream jar spell for each guest to take home 

1.5 hours, fill out the private party request form to get started! Starting at $375

Location: The Clubhaus ( 58 Pulaski Street Peabody, MA - Building C, 3rd Floor)


Wearable Sigils

Bring some witchcrafting to your celebration with this totally hands-on workshop that combines sigil magick with the art of relief printmaking! Together, you’ll learn all about sigils and how to harness these visual symbolic spells to channel your intentions into the universe. Each guest will have the chance to not only create their own unique sigils, but to carve them into linocut blocks that can be printed onto any fabric surface. Everyone will come away with a reusable linoleum sigil block and their own printed sigil tote bag. 


  • Your own personal Art Witch to guide you through the process 

  • Talk about sigils and how they serve as secret passwords of spellwork

  • Your own unique sigil representing an intention you’re setting 

  • Simple skills of the relief printmaking process

  • Everything you’ll need in the workshop - including carving tools, ink, rollers, reusable linoleum block, paper to sketch on, and a canvas tote bag for each guest to print on

  • Option to bring your own t-shirts and other fabric surfaces to print 

2 hrs, fill out the private party request form to get started! Starting at $375

Location: The Clubhaus ( 58 Pulaski Street Peabody, MA - Building C, 3rd Floor)