Erica Lee has been a HausWitch recommended healer since way back, and co-hosts our virtual Moon Circles. She offers Spirit Mediumship Readings both in person and online, so wherever you are you can connect to your crossed-over loved ones. 

Book with Erica Lee
*HausWitch Gift Cards not accepted



Erica is a gifted legacy medium who has performed hundreds of readings on-site in locations as diverse as Ireland; Salem, Massachusetts; Liguria, Italy; and the Gold Coast of Australia. Her travels have taken her wide and far, on a miraculous journey of connection, communication, and discovery.

Passionate about Spirit connection, and with a thirst to expand and illuminate all facets of the amazing miracle of existence, she takes great excitement in these aspects of her work. Erica continues to be eager and inspired to work to contribute to scientific exploration, discovery, and education. Likewise, she loves to travel the world in the hopes of sharing the healing and inspiration that our loved ones in Spirit so graciously and generously bring to our lives, and which we have the power to fully access, everyday!

Book with Erica Lee
*HausWitch Gift Cards not accepted

Read more about Erica Lee in our Healer Spotlight!