Wow. It has been a long time since I blogged. It’s been even longer since I blogged about a decorating project. I’ve been so busy with the store the last few years that I just haven’t had the chance to make over any home spaces… UNTIL NOW THAT IS!
NOW I have a DREAM PROJECT, working with a DREAM CLIENT casting AFFORDABLE LUXURY SPELLS for one of my favorite witches in her new tiny haus. I’ll use this little BEFORE photo to introduce to you to the future home of:
I’ll spare you the mushy details about how much I love this client, and how proud of her I am and just tell you that her name is Melissa, aka Missy G, aka The Nude Witch, aka the Ace of Pentacles in the She Wolfe Tarot Deck (seriously), and she has the brightest light inside of her and deserves the very best of everything. She also works in my shop as the assistant manager, is an amazing energy healer and has a side hustle as a figure model. She just moved into a new tiny home and wants me to help make it into the modern bohemian crystal glamour luxury palace of her dreams. I was thrilled to oblige.
Missy G (I’m going to be using this nickname because my wife’s name is also Melissa and it would be weird for me if you got them confused, ya know?) just turned 25 and is finally able to afford a little place of her own. After a quarter lifetime of living with her mom and with roommates she felt that it was time to find her own space. Inspired by Maryam Hasnaa’s idea of having one’s own “home frequency”[1], she set out to find a little place to call her own.
I should acknowledge here that I totally understand that living alone in order to find your home frequency is not an option for everyone. Whatever space you have for yourself, a bedroom, a bed, a few square feet in a room you share, can still set a specific vibration, supportive to you, in that space. Establishing a “home frequency” doesn’t have to involve money either, just inspiration and intention.
Another “before” shot in the main living space.
While I will be spending money on this project to actually furnish the home, things like vision boarding, manifesting and meditating in a space are all free ways to connect with your home in a creative way. We’ll talk more about that as we go on this Self-Love Shack journey together. Ok? Okurr?
I love this project not only because I love Missy G, but also because it’s pushing my creativity in ways it hasn’t been pushed in a while. Missy G has incredible taste and loves spaces that are textured, layered, sensual and rich, which can be a challenge with a small budget. It’s also a different aesthetic than what I’m drawn to for my own spaces, so I’ll be leaving my comfort zone of “greige”[2] on white with pops of color, behind.
Around the time she was manifesting her tiny palace, Missy spontaneously started making a Pinterest board of her dream space. It’s completely beautiful and filled with images like this:
(BTW- you can find all the pins from this post on our Rose Quartz Velvet Self-Love Shack Pinterest board!)
After soaking up as much inspiration as I could from her amazing vision board, I narrowed down the images according to what was most possible given these limitations:
- She’s renting so we’re not going to paint any walls or put up thousands of dollars of wallpaper.
- The whole place is about 270 square feet.
- Our budget is less than $1000
So this is what I came up with for a slightly more accessible and achievable, inspiration board:
Next, I started making lists to figure out what we needed to make all of these delicious crystal visions come true:
- Jewel tones
- Lots of different soft textures
- Lots of millennial pink and velvet, and a combination of the two wherever possible.
- Green velvet bench seating in kitchen
- FA-SHUN (clothing) storage
- More workspace in kitchen
- Reading/lounge chair
- Red velvet curtains (client dictated)
So that’s where I started. Then I asked for a list of what she actually needed in order to live. Seeing as how this is her first place on her own, she’s starting fresh in a lot of ways. The budget was going to get very stretched:
- Bed sheets
- Comforter
- Pillows
- Small night stand
- Red velvet curtains
- Floor length mirror
- Kitchen runner rug
- Bench
- Bench cushions (Missy wants green velvet)
- Small kitchen table
- Utensils
- Plates/bowls
- Cookware (spatulas, etc)
- Pots and pans
- French press
- Towels
- Washcloths
- Bath mat
- Lamps
- Clothes hamper
- Clothing rack
- Kitchen cart
- Cutting board for kitchen sink
The budget started at $1111.11 but after splurging on some amazing hand made dishes by our friend Christina Kosinski and a copper tea set (I’m telling you, this girl loves luxury) I am left with $741 to work my magic. Which is plenty.. sort of…
The nice thing is we’ve got a cute little Coven Economy to draw from so we’re starting with a few things. First and foremost, the heart rug from the first photo in this post. The rug is from the HausWitch store (obvi.) and I decided to “buy” (steal) it from the shop because it has sentimental value to my wife and I. BUT! We have nowhere to put it yet, and probably won’t for a WHILE, so I asked Missy if she could babysit it for us. It just so happened to be the perfect size and color palate and have hearts on it, so she happily accepted. A couple of other members of our coven chipped in for a nice new mattress for our little Capricorn queen’s birthday. The other things that are nice and were free are the bookcase, dresser, mirror and room divider hiding the water heater (or something) that came with the place. There will be a few other free/on loan things as we go but we’re not there yet.
I’m going to leave you here for now, with a few more “before” shots of this cutie cute cute haus that I am so excited to be making magic with. In my next post I’m going to talk about how I source the things I decorate with, navigating a small budget and creating an energetic blueprint, which sounds fancy but it really isn’t!
Opposite view of main room, looking at the teeny closet.
I’m hoping to fit a chair, a clothing rack and maybe even a table into this little nook!
This cutie corner is where her kitchen table and bench seating will be.
Are you screaming about how cute this place is yet?
The Moon is In Pisces and the Witches Say, “Know Your Limits”.
[1] Here is the link to the podcast Missy G listened to about finding a “home frequency” featuring all about it. The interview subject is Maryam Hasnaa.
[2] Grey + beige
Erica Feldmann is the owner and HWIC (Head Witch in Charge) at HausWitch Home + Healing and author of HausMagick (Feb 12!). She’s always working on 7 projects at once, builds businesses faster than the patriarchy can handle, and is an expert Craigslist hunter. Follow her @hauswitch on Instagram and sign up for our newsletter to keep up with the Self-Love Shack!