When Lish arrived on our doorstep with all her retail skills and Virgo brainwaves we couldn't quite believe she was real- but that's the manifestation magic of HausWitch! Our "Visuals Vixen" makes sure all the treasures in the shop get their moment in the spotlight AND packs your online orders with a lot of love- and efficiency! When Lish isn't using her Virgo-ness to keep us running like clockwork, she's adventuring around Salem with her sweet pup Mando or scouring thrift stores for 70s vibes.
1. Name/Nickname
2. What's your sun/moon/rising?
Virgo Sun/Scorpio Moon/Aries Rising
3. What brought you to HausWitch?
A little manifesting and a little help from my guides!
I moved to Salem in the middle of the pandemic with my husband and fell in love with this small city. I dreamed of working at one of the local shops here, and would joke all the time about quitting my corporate retail job just to be able to walk to work. Well, ask the universe for something and you shall receive! Covid ended up taking my job away, and I was looking for a place to work. After months of searching and nothing quite feeling right, I turned to my guides and asked for a sign. I opened my phone to the Hauswitch Hiring ad on Instagram and the rest is history!
4. What's your "brand" of witchcraft?
Does "baby witch" count? For the record, it does! I'm pretty new to practicing and I'm still trying to find my niche. However I am an astrology addict and I also work with the moon a ton!
5. What's your favorite ritual tool?
Crystals & Candles!
6. What's your favorite show to binge-watch?
I'm breaking the rules in true Aries Rising fashion and giving you a podcast binge instead: Potterless starring Mike Shubert.
It takes you through "a grown man reading the Harry Potter series for the first time" and is a great balance of enjoying the series while examining where it falls flat. Highly recommend for doing the dishes or packing orders (if you do that kind of thing).
7. What's your favorite product in the shop? Family Money by Money Witch, The Bitches of Eastwick Scrub by FirmeArte, and You Were Born For This by Chani Nicholas.
8. Finish this sentence: on a full moon, we can find you...
Taking a bath and eating all of the food!
8. Who are your favorite historical/fictional/celebrity witches?
Pam Grossman (thank you shop manager Caroline for the reccomendation!), Stevie Nicks, all of the witches I work with, and of course I can't mention Harry Potter in this without mentioning Hermione freaking Granger- the true Virgo Queen herself.