Hey there! Happy New Year lovely readers! I did not abandon you! I have just been rapid cycling through manic busyness and self-indulgent laziness. But who cares about all that? The point is that I'm here now and I want to talk about some little things I've done around the DreamHaus recently and how sometimes things just don't work out. First the good stuff though: 1. New kitchen knobs! Here's one of those little things that you can do as a renter that makes life better without being expensive, permanent, or labor intensive. Pretty much any design blog will tell you that. Including this one! (If you click on the picture it will make it big enough for you to see the difference)
So, even if the difference is virtually imperceptible to people who aren't Dave or I, if you do happen to be us, it was totally worth the $50 we paid for 13 (!) shiny, new knobs. 2. Pendant Light! So we actually hard-wired a lighting fixture into our rental like we're fancy-pants adults or something! I called in an expert from Taskrabbit for this one and I'm so glad I did because now my dining room looks like this:
So much of decorating is about trial and error. Especially on rooms that clearly don't want to be decorated. Do I really believe that the energy in this room is resisting my attempts to make it cozy and functional? ABSOLUTELY. Am I going to buy some sage and try to smudge out this anti-HausWitch energy and see if that helps? YUP. In the meantime I'm also going to let this room develop organically and see if part of the problem is that we often think of this room as an after-thought. Perhaps setting more of a positive intention around this room will help. Maybe it just needs to feel loved?!!!!!! In any case, I still didn't spend that much money. All told maybe $150 bucks. In the meantime, I'm not lying when I say I have some majorly exciting things on the horizon.

The pendant lamp was from West Elm and came in at a totally reasonable $99.

- The last room of the epic JP NOOKS bedroom makeover is almost done. You can see a sneak preview shot here:
- GE sent me some free light bulbs to review, which is exciting because I am an absolute lunatic about lighting concepts so look out for that post coming soon.
- I also got a super exciting gig doing set design for a movie and the filmmakers are having me re-decorate their office at the same time. So its all coming down the pipeline and I can't wait to share it all with you!