A few weeks ago an idea struck me in the middle of the night that has since spiraled into a project that is making all of my wildest dreams come true: I am creating a HausWitch product line of spell kits for your home. The line is called, "HausCraft".
Long story long, the idea came to me when my friends Kaitlyn and Ben were desperately seeking a new home. Kaitlyn asked for some witchy assistance from me in this endeavor. Since Kaitlyn is an INTEGRAL part of my coven of badass ladies with SKILLZ, I happily obliged. I put together a little spell involving magnets and calcite and anything else I could think of that would attract the house of their dreams.
I CALL THIS ONE: "HUMBLEST OF BEGINNINGS"[/caption] That night as I was headed to bed, I thought, "Why couldn't I make more of these for my clients? WAIT! Why can't I make more of these for EVERYONE IN THE WORLD?" The answer, "I can, and I will." After that, everything happened. I enlisted my friend Cai (or Ceej as I will always refer to her from now on) to help me with details and nitty gritties. Kaitlyn took over as "patient smart person who will research things like TAX ID's and trademarking", and my ridiculously awesome graphic designer Autumn, was on packaging design duty. The witches are doing it for themselves. [caption id="attachment_2073" align="aligncenter" width="600"]